It seems that every day for the last two weeks that someone has died in a car accident. A mother was killed after she was in a collision with a truck. It was pretty freaky. She was fine and helped her 3 year old daughter to the side of the road and then went back to retrieve her cell phone. A truck struck and killed her as she was returning to her daughter.
A young man was killed when his car crossed the medium and crashed into the wheels of a transport truck. He had sneaked into town to see his young son. He had been charged with drug trafficking in the spring and had been banned from the city. Because he wanted to see his son, he stole a car and spent the night visiting with his child. On the way out of town the next morning, he was killed. He was 21 years old.
A man was killed when either he or a truck ran a red light and collided. He left behind a family who is mourning his passing.
And the list goes on and on... But no wonder that there's so many traffic fatalities. I swear that some people had to have found their licences in a popcorn box. They cut you off, run red lights, pass on a solid double line, screech away from stop signs, impaired driving and so many other senseless acts, such as text messaging and talking on cell phones when driving. Where are the days when people gave others courtesy and respect?
Something must be done. Cell phones should be banned in cars, period. There's nothing that can't wait and if there is, a driver should pull off the road at their earliest convenience to make or return a call. The courts in Ontario must throw the book at those who blatantly disregard the law.
When you drive, give other drivers courtesy and respect. Drive sober, do not engage in road racing and leave your cell phone in your pocket or purse until your car is in park. Help save lives.