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Live Well is starting
Live Well Wednesday. The idea is allow women "to to reshape their body and life, by moving faith to the forefront, making healthier lifestyle choices, and finding our worth in in the eyes of our Father. Through "Live Well!," Darlene Schacht reveals to women how the spirit influences our soul, and how our souls greatly influence the choices we make for our bodies and lifestyle. By feeding and nurturing our spirit and soul, we free our bodies from the captivity of sin, bringing glory to God and peace to our lives."
Christian women face many challenges that women all over the world face every day. My particular battle is with my weight. Let me tell you a little about it.
When I was in elementary school, I was chubby. I wasn't teased about my weight because our principal had a very strict rule about judging others. Those were the days when the Bible was read before the day's work began. Right after Bible reading came the Lord's Prayer. No one protested, it was what was done and that was that. We also sang God Save the Queen and Oh, Canada.
All that to say that when I turned 14, I was determined to be thinner. I worked hard around the farm, so my weight wasn't a lack of exercise like it is today. But determined I was and that weight came off. The day I was married, my waist was a slim 21 inches.
The weight stayed off for years. I gained 20 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter. The day after she was born, I weighed only one pound more that I had when I became pregnant. I was ecstatic!
After many years, I turned 35. That was the year that my weight began to skyrocket. No, I wasn't gulping down huge portions of food. I had no explanation for why I was packing on weight and neither did my doctor. "Probably genetics," he told me.
My paternal grandmother and I look a lot alike - in fact photos of her when she was younger could be mistaken for me, yet I'm not as heavy as she was. However, if I don't keep watch over my calories, I could well surpass her. I'm determined that I will not let that happen.
In 1992, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I began to control my blood sugar by diet. By 2000, I was on meds to keep my glucose levels down. In 2005, the pills weren't doing their job. Now the doctor has me on a new med that works well. My blood sugar levels are back under control.
Today, I am heavier than I've ever been in my life. I can't say I'm uncomfortable about who I am, but the weight makes me uncomfortable in a physical sense. I know I have to lose weight and have tried everything I know to do that. I lose a couple of pounds and then when I go back to the doctor, I've gained it again. Though I'm living well, measuring all of my portions, keeping a food journal and counting calories, the weight loss is going very slow.
If you are trying to lose weight, here are a few pointers on how to live well:
1. Keep a food journal and write down everything you put in your mouth. This is very important, as we taste things throughout the day that we don't realize give us lots of calories. You will be surprised at how many things you "taste" that add to the calorie count.
2. Take a half hour walk daily. You don't have to do the entire 30 minutes all at once. Three ten minute walks are better than nothing. However, if you can set aside a half hour a day, it is much better.
3. Keep carbs to a minimum. Bread and pasta can pack on the pounds without us realizing it.
4. Watch the sweets. We all love sweets, but they are full of calories.
5. Treat yourself once a week to avoid going on a spree because of cravings.
6. Walk, don't drive. If you must drive, park in the spot that is furthest from the door. Believe it or not, this little bit of exercise makes a big difference.
7. Keep a bowl of raw vegetables in the refrigerator. Carrot and celery sticks, green pepper, raw mushrooms - any kind of raw vegetable that you like. Then when you think you are hungry, eat a handful of the veggies. This will cut down on a lot of calories.
8. When you purchase fruit at the store, cut it into pieces and leave a covered container of fruit in the refrigerator. This includes watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, all types of berries and more. Do not cut apples to leave in the refrigerator, as they will turn brown when the air hits them.
9. Place a note on the refrigerator door that says, "Am are you really hungry? Do you need a snack right now?" This will make you think twice before you open the door.
10. Look to our Father to guide you along the way. Keep your eyes toward the heavens. With God's help you can achieve all things.
I had stopped doing the above ten things, but am once again looking toward the heavens. I can do this and so can you. Please let me know how you are doing. Living well will extend our lives and keep us in optimum health.