Friday was the boys last day of school until January. Brandon's school had a dance and he asked me to pick him up at noon, as he didn't want to attend. In the afternoon, we finished a bit of Christmas shopping and wrapped presents. Then we picked up Jordan from school and I took them home.
Today, the boys came over and Jordan wrapped his presents and then we baked peanut butter cookies. We even made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, which was Brandon's idea. I used Splen*da so I could have some and they turned out great.
Tonight, I wrapped most of the Christmas presents that I had to wrap and stuffed the boys' stockings. They've always had stockings here and that tradition will continue. Hubby and I don't do stockings.
Some have been asking how it's going with the insulin. It's going great. I have the insulin pen. You just put in a new needle each time and it's easy as pie. It doesn't hurt at all and you don't even know you're poking yourself. I was a bit upset when I found out I had to go on insulin, but believe it was a blessing in disguise. I already feel better but still have a ways to go to get my levels stable. They are fluctuating through the day, especially mid-afternoon. Other than that, things are going fine.
Well, not much else to talk about here. Shopping is done. Baking is almost done. Christmas wrapping is almost done. Tomorrow afternoon, hubby and I are going to visit new-found friends for an hour or two. It was nice of them to invite us and I think I'll take them a nice poinsetta.