My previous post was a book review. I had read The Help on my Kobo Reader. The book was fantastic and over the weekend, I'm hoping to see the movie, either on "Demand" tv or a rental. Maybe On Demand, since it is $2 less than the rental. Seems to make more sense and I don't even have to go out of the house to get it.
But.. back on track here. My daughter, Michelle, and her family gave me the Kobo for Christmas. I love it for the simple fact that I can easily take my book wherever I'm going. It's compact and easily kept with you. Waiting time in doctor's offices and other places is much more interesting when I have it along. Time goes much quicker.
I am having a little trouble adjusting to the Kobo. Like many who commented on the previous post, I like the feel and smell of a "real" book. Like everything else, the Kobo has its pros and cons.
I am reading a book on my Kobo right now and it's one that I had heard was excellent. For some reason I'm not really getting into it, but we'll see how it progresses as I delve deeper into it. I'm about 40% through and so far it hasn't impressed me. After this book, I have a book to review for author Darlene Franklin and so I will once again have a real book in my hands. Though I do love the Kobo, I'm looking forward to it.