Above is the Canadian flag. It was officially inaugurated on February 15, 1965. Our country has always elected its government at the polls, but now it seems that there is political unrest in our country.
Though I don't usually blog about political issues, this needs to be brought to the attention of Canadians. In early October of this year, we went to the polls to vote for a federal government. Steven Harper maintained his position as Prime Minister and a minority Conservative (Tory) government was formed.
Now, just six weeks later, the opposition parties have banded together and want to form a Coalition government. Why? Because yesterday's economic statement by Conservative Minister of Finance, Jim Flaherty, wasn't to their liking.
In his economic statment, Mr. Flaherty stated there would be an end to public financing of political parties. The opposition feels, or so they say, that the Conservatives have failed to offer economic stimulus. The meeting of Liberal Members of Parliament met behind closed doors on Thursday night to make plans to topple the current government that Canadian people elected just six short weeks ago. The leader of the coalition government would be none other than Stephen Dion, whom the Canadian people rejected in October by the largest margin since Confederation in 1867.
A coalition government includes members of different political parties. It usually only takes place in times of crisis, such as a political breakdown or war. At the federal level of government, Canada has had only one coalition government in its history. It occured in 1917 when Sir Robert Borden formed the Union Government near the end of WWI. That government was only in power for one year.
In order for the opposition parties to form a coalition government, it must be approved by Governor General Michaelle Jean. She is in Europe at the present time but is being kept up to date on what is happening. If she decides to dissapprove of the steps being taken by the opposition parties, a federal election must be called. I hope this woman has her wits about her and denies approval of a coalition government for Canada.
Though the Conservatives (Tories) are not my favorite political party, I must give credit to Prime Minister Steven Harper for doing his best to keep Canada's economy flowing. In my opinion, Stephen Dion, leader of the Liberals, is not pleased that he was defeated during October's election and that he is trying to become Prime Minister using any method he can. It is also my opinion that the opposition parties are furious because Prime Minister Harper put an end to public financing of political parties. The Liberals were caught in a scandal during their last term and billions of dollars were funneled to places where it shouldn't have gone. Could this be the motive of Mr. Dion? I can't say, but things look mightly suspicious.
Canadians need to band together to prevent a coalition government in this case, as there is no political breakdown or war that brings the necessity to overpower our current government. This is a ploy, in my opinion, by the Liberals, Stephen Dion and the opposition parties to form a government that is not elected by the people. Though an election would cost approximately 3 billion to taxpayers, it is a lot better than losing our voice and our priviledge to vote.
What Mr. Dion and the opposition parties are attempting should send a strong message to Canadian voters. Please phone or write your Member of Parliament to protest this take-down.
If you would like to view a list of the Members of Parliament for Canada, please click HERE.