Wednesday, December 22

New Kitchen Floor

Some of you may remember that last spring, just before I had my heart attack that we put in a new kitchen ceiling. Since I wanted the kitchen to be red and white with a black and white kitchen floor, we painted the metal strips between the ceiling tiles a dark red.

Below is a photo of the floor that we've worn out over the last 18 years. It wasn't new when we bought the house and over the years, it lost the pattern. I never did like the parquay looking tiles much. It made the kitchen way too dark. There are only two windows in that room and one of them faces the porch, so not much light comes in there. The other is a north window, so not much light from there either. We needed something to make the room brighter.
The new floor was delayed until December 16th, which didn't make me real happy. The flooring company forgot to order it and then told me it wouldn't be laid before Christmas. That got my backbone up a little because it was originally to be laid during the second week of December. Because all of the appliances would have to be moved into the living room, I was unable to do any decorating until the floor was down.

On December 16th, last Thursday, the men arrived an hour late. He told me that instead of taking up all the old flooring, as they'd said they would be, they were going to put mahogany sheeting over the existing floor. See the mahogany sheeting above.

It took them until 4pm to get everything done, but above, a photo of the new floor.

Here is another. This one is the opposite way of the room. It looks great and is bright and makes the room more inviting. The yellow cast is from the overhead flourescent light. I'm hoping that can eventually go as well.

I know we kind of did things backwards here because we still have to paint and paper, but since the floor ended up being a gift, I can't complain. I absolutely love it but in case you are considering a black and white floor, be aware it is high maintenance. I sweep it a couple of times a day and we have to wash it at least every other day and some times every day. However, I'm happy that after 20 years I finally have the floor that I've wanted for so long.


  1. What a change! It looks great!

  2. It's good to be happy with what we want and happy with what we have.

  3. It is beautiful....... just beautiful!

    Merry Christmas my friend...... Thank you for the card. It was so appreciated.... I did not send many out this year... Just could not bring myself to sit down and do it...... I hope that I get into the blogging again after the holidays and get back in the loop........

    Again that floor is wonderful and I know you are so enjoying it..........

  4. Merry Christmas friend!
    enjoy your family this week!

  5. Sending you a Merry Christmas wish from our house to yours.

    Rec'd your card the other day too. :o)

  6. dang....forgot to comment on the floor! It's a great difference.

  7. I'm happy that it finally arrived for you and is what you wanted.
    Mama Bear

  8. Wow...what a transformation! That is really cool!

  9. A very nice gift and just in time for the Holidays. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  10. I like the Christmas design, must be Hootin' Annie again :).

    The kitchen looks real pretty.

    Sorry it's taken so long for me to get over, I've been off-line most of the summer and fall and I'm trying to get over pnuemonia.

    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!

  11. To say that your new floor is beautiful would be an understatement. To say that it is stunning comes closer.

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