Monday, September 26

One Week to Go!

Just one week to go before the move. I'm dreading it. We took another van load of items to Bibles for Missions today and they were glad to have them. Included was clothing we no longer can wear, books, kitchen items, curtains and more. There were some things I've kept but haven't used in years. Why do we keep all this stuff. Just "in case" we might need it someday. Well, I'm hoping someone else can use it because it caused every nook and cranny of this place to be filled to over flowing. I'm not a hoarder like Mom but the tendencies are there. I'm always afraid if I get rid of things that are good that I will need them later. I hope not because now they are someone else's treasures.

Brandon came over on the weekend and mowed the lawn. Jordan came as well and helped hubby out doing a few chores. I don't see the boys as much as I used to with them being back in school, so it was nice to have them visit and spend the day.

Today was a lot of running around getting errands done. We made a run to the post office, I stopped and got the nose pieces on my glasses replaced and we did grocery shopping. About time too. We were almost out of everything. We didn't buy a lot as we don't want to move it. Just enough to do us a few days. We will buy a large order of groceries after the move.

So that brings you pretty much up to date on what's happening around here. Hope everyone is well.


  1. Sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy. I always hated moving. When we bought built this house, I said no more moving for us, and we've been here since 1971. I'm excited to see pics of your new place after you are all moved in. Keep us updated!

  2. Hope this week goes smoothly and you are in your new place and settled before you know it. Can't wait to see pictures!

  3. Been thinking about you daily...knowing just how busy you are, and how tiring it can be. Not to mention stressful at times.

    And I must stop to send along my thanks for being such a loyal visitor while I was absent in blog hopping. Much appreciated.

    My link: Baltimore Orioles

    This is an open invitation to stop by and view, if you can find time.

    Happy Wednesday.

  4. It is wonderful to watch our grandchildren grow and become independent but it is so awful that it causes time to come between us and them.

  5. We threw out so much and still kept too much.
